写作中心 导师

拿俄米Briganti headshot


年龄: 49
首页town and/or Country of Origin: 奇科皮,马
主要/程序: Office Administrative Assistant Professional - OAAP.AS
Semesters at 十大彩票平台: 5
Courses 支持ed: 
Languages Spoken: 英语
Tutor Since (semester and year): 2021年秋季


Hobbies/Interests: 我喜欢阅读, 烹饪, walking and/or hiking, 基本上任何户外活动,包括吃一顿好饭!
最喜欢的食物: 本 & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia Frozen Yogurt
Favorite Movie: A Beautiful Mind
Favorite Music/Musician: Currently loving Sade but Adele and Dido resonate too.
One fun fact about me: I love learning new things-the more the merrier!
What I love about my tutoring program is…..: 我真的很喜欢与需要辅导的学生建立的联系. Especially when everything was remote, 辅导计划至少部分地取代了与其他学生之间缺失的互动. And most importantly, 当学生掌握了我们一起学习的概念时,当学生建立联系并理解他们寻求帮助的概念时.
作为导师, I hope to help students by….: 我的目标是帮助学生独立工作,提高自信心.
Who is your hero and why? 我现在的英雄是副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯,因为她是历史上第一位女副总统.
How do you want to be remembered? 我希望人们记住我是一个关心每个学生的需求,并愿意在工作时间之外安排时间的人, whenever possible, 是有用的, 并努力为每位学生在十大彩票平台的经历带来积极的影响.


Placeholder Headshot


年龄: 20
首页town and/or Country of Origin: Springfield Massachusetts
主要/程序: 文科
Semesters at 十大彩票平台: 3
Courses 支持ed: 写作
Languages Spoken: 1
Tutor Since (semester and year): 2022年秋季


Hobbies/Interests: 我喜欢阅读, spending time outdoors, and coloring. I love spending time with my family and friends. 我最喜欢的书类型是推理和科幻小说.
最喜欢的食物: 我最喜欢的食物是巧克力蛋糕和巧克力奶油.
Favorite Movie: Sicario 
Favorite Music/Musician: I don’t have a favorite musician.
One fun fact about me: 我喜欢打扫卫生,因为我发现它非常令人满意和放松. I love cleaning very messy things. For me the messier the better.
What I love about my tutoring program is…..: that I get to help students with their work. I always needed lots of help with my school, 尤其是当它涉及到写作,所以很高兴能够帮助别人.  
作为导师, I hope to help students by….: helping them become confident in their ability to write. 我最喜欢的一句话是每个成功者都曾经是初学者. 我希望能帮助学生克服对写作的恐惧,并能享受这个过程.
Who is your hero and why? 我的妈妈是我的英雄,因为她非常富有同情心、同理心和善良. She is one of the strongest people I know. 我妈妈教会了我善待他人和接纳他人是多么重要. She has shown me the importance of forgiveness. 我妈妈教会了我帮助身边的人是多么重要. 如果没有她的指导,我不知道我今天会在哪里.
How do you want to be remembered? 我希望人们记住我做过的事,去过的地方.

梅根·赫恩 headshot


首页town/Country of Origin:
Languages Spoken:
写作 Tutor Since:
Semesters at 十大彩票平台:
What I Love 关于 写作:
One Fun Fact 关于 Me is:

Kaylah Sheppard headshot

Kaylah Sheppard

年龄: 20
首页town and/or Country of Origin: Valley Stream, NY
主要/程序: 湾径大学专业写作/数字电影和媒体
Semesters at 十大彩票平台: 6
Courses 支持ed: 英语 writing in any course
Languages Spoken: 英语
Tutor Since (semester and year): 2020年春季


Hobbies/Interests: 写作, watching movies, and listening to music
最喜欢的食物: 雪蟹腿
Favorite Movie: The Secret 生活 of Bee’s
Favorite Music/Musician: Whitney Houston
One fun fact about me: I’m currently learning Swedish!
What I love about my tutoring program is…..: We help students in every subject.
作为导师, I hope to help students by….: Making them feel comfortable with making mistakes.
Who is your hero and why? 我的狗. 她很可爱,无忧无虑,这是我希望有一天能成为的.
How do you want to be remembered? 一个尽她所能做到最好的人,和她一起出去玩很有趣!

莎拉Woytowicz headshot


年龄: 17
首页town and/or Country of Origin: West Springfield, MA
主要/程序: Undecided/Dual Enrollment
Semesters at 十大彩票平台: 4
Courses 支持ed: 英语 or any course requiring a writing assignment
Languages Spoken: 英语
Tutor Since (semester and year):  Fall Semester 2022


Hobbies/Interests: Soccer, Baking/Cooking, Exercising & 举重
最喜欢的食物: 玉米沙拉
Favorite Movie: 卑鄙的我
Favorite Music/Musician: 流行
One fun fact about me: I was born on Thanksgiving 2004.
What I love about my tutoring program is…..: 我喜欢我的辅导项目的原因是有机会结识新朋友,不仅可以帮助他们学习英语,还可以了解他们的为人, and their story's through their writing and ideas. 这个项目为学生和导师提供了很多资源, and I can't wait to meet more of my peers. 
作为导师, I hope to help students by….: 作为导师, 我希望帮助学生,为他们提供一个安全舒适的地方来咨询,指导他们完成课程,同时也给他们提供策略和方法来克服他们在课外面临的挑战.
Who is your hero and why? 我的英雄是我的父亲,因为他一直是我的基石,能帮助我在最紧张和紧张的情况下找到理性和逻辑.
How do you want to be remembered? 我希望人们记住我是一个善良、善解人意的人. Being kind is a simple task that is often overlooked, 我希望我能做到这一点,并激励其他人变得善良和理解. 当今世界乞求同情,但往往得不到同情. 然而, 我希望被认可为总是愿意倾听和欣赏别人的不同之处,以及他们的独特之处.